Dead And Divine is having a contest to do with their new album "The Machines We Are". It involves taking photos, Facebook (...gross) and winning "tons of shit". Check it out, RIGHT THERE ->
The Ghost Inside has said, with their own mouths even, that they will be having a new album within the next year.
The Bled has signed to Rise Records, and will be playing in Grand Rapids on September 14.
A Day To Remember will also be in Grand Rapids on the 30th of September. With some other bands.
Architects will be in Toronto at the KOOL HAUS on October 9th. Joining them will be Every Time I Die and Bring Me The Horizon, plus more...probably.
The Flatliners and The Snips have a split 7" on the way. The Flatliners are also playing in Toledo, Ohio, with Strung Out. There she be.
Take It Back! has released a new 5 song EP called "Rumours Of Revolt". They have, however, lost their guitarist. Owner of the grittier vocals from "Can't Fight Robots", so the sound is probably not what you might expect. Here's the link: www.myspace.com/takeitbackar
Fallen From The Sky has a new song called "Wolves" up on their site.
More news comin' soon.
Your bro.